Real People Experiencing Real Life in Jesus

Our Story

What started out in 1954 as a man with a passion to reach others with the love and hope of Jesus,

has grown to become the multi-ethnic, multi-generational church family that we are today.

Our Purpose

Faith Assembly of God exists to help Real People experience Real Life in Jesus.

Our Vision

To be a Loving, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, Bible-based,

Multicultural & Multigenerational Outreaching Community of Faith.

Our Core Values

Remaining in God's Word, Relying on God's Spirit, Rebuilding Broken Lives,

Releasing Believers into Ministry, and Reaching the Next Generation for Christ.

Our Pastor

After serving over 20 years under our 28-year loving shepherd, Rev. Kenneth Allen Tinch,

Pastor John Harris began serving as Faith Assembly's Lead Pastor in 2015

with a fervent desire to break new ground and rebuild broken lives for Christ.